
Showing posts from October, 2018

Flexible Seating

Call to Adventure       This year has been full of firsts for me: first time having a digital classroom; first time learning the basics of computer science; first time teaching digital citizenship; first time participating in Twitter chats; first time attending an EdTechTeam conference (which was also the first time I have been away from my husband overnight since we got together in 2014). From these firsts, I have grown to love the idea of adventure, taking a risk, and trying something new. I have loved stepping out of my comfort zone. Most of all, I have loved asking myself the question: If others can, why can’t I?      This exact question is what propelled me to implement Flexible Seating in my classroom. I was speaking to an inspiring first grade teacher who has successfully used flexible seating in her classroom. The “dreamer-alert,” as we call it in my house, went off in my brain. If first graders can do it, why can’t my third graders? ...
The Great Cardboard Challenge What is the Cardboard Challenge? Launched from the overwhelming global response to the short film, "Caine's Arcade," the Imagination Foundation was founded to find, foster and fund creativity and entrepreneurship in children around the world to raise a new generation of innovators and problem solvers who have the tools they need to build the world they imagine. The WHY. Creativity is the most important skill of the future, and the Cardboard Challenge is a powerful tool to foster it through playful learning. The Cardboard Challenge brings the world together around the value of creativity. It’s a worldwide celebration of the genius of every child and the simple things adults can do to foster it. Our Challenge Design a solution for any weather related hazard. Create a model of your solution using cardboard and duct tape. Claire is deciding how best to use her cardboard.  Ella creates a "double wal...

Challenge Accepted!

Watch the video, "Piper." Pay close attention to the role of the mother in the short film! Imagine: What if the mother continued to feed Piper? What if the mother helped Piper catch food? Problem-Solving is a skill that our students need to learn and practice. Productive struggle is OKAY! Getting stuck is OKAY! Feeling uncomfortable is OKAY! Taking risks and failing is OKAY! Struggle, discomfort, risk-taking, failing--these should be valued norms in our school!

August and September: Trial and Error

Andres and Kenlee are excited about flexible seating and technology!